Sunday, August 10, 2008

Welcome to the USA!

Today, tonight rather, (yesterday technically since it's in the a.m.) Kathia Velazquez Vergarao of Paraguay arrived at the Little Rock Airport. While I'm in Poland, Kathia will be hosted by my family until December.
Kathia currently knows very little English, mirroring my own lack of ability to speak Polish. It was an interesting experience, seeing someone else in the shoes I will soon be in. But, with the help of my dad's high school Spanish, a bilingual dictionary, and the YEO Resources "First Night Questions," we were able to connect and get situated for the first hours of Kathia's American experience.
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Kathia and my family. I used my jacket as a makeshift Rotary Exchange blazer! We exchanged pins :).
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Kathia with Rotarians Don Peters, Phil Robinson, and Jeff Spann.
I hope she enjoys her exchange in America as I enjoy mine in Poland!


Mandee said...

Hannah-i bet your dad was hoping for his chance at a boy with this!

Hannah said...


we knew we knew a girl was comming

she and my dad have really bonded thanks to his high school spanish though lol

Sadie said...

it's been great having kathia with us :)

Alison Young said...

Who made the sign for Kathia?

Hannah said...

not me
but whoever did, did a good job