Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Eeelectronically Complete

Along with buying a travel-size hairdryer and electric conversion kit for the exchange, I have also purchased a camera and laptop.

At Outbound Camp, the topic of whether bringing a laptop was good or not was debated, however, the past exchangers told us they recommended it, as the good outweighed the bad.

For my camera, I chose a compact Canon Powershot SD1000 which has proven to take excellent pictures so far. It also has an impressive battery life.

For the laptop, I chose an EEEpc 900 with preloaded Windows XP. I ordered it from an online shoe store as it was the only company I could find that offered the Windows preloaded, which was odddd. So, it came and it's great! It's very small and weighs barely over 2 lbs, so it'll easily travel in a purse. It's shockproof too, so it has less chance of being destroyed. The only downside is there is only enough room for one hand on the keyboard, but that was anticipated.



Alison Young said...

you got your computer from an online shoe store?
uh okay.

Hannah said...

yes I did!